That man's a king!
Happy spring donors! I hope you each had a sweet Easter with your loved ones. This past month was historic in many ways, and I’m so excited to share with you how your support has allowed each of the following things to happen!
A group of us went to the beach for spring break. It was so sweet to spend some time with these lovely ladies!
This past Saturday, we held a fundraiser called Showcase, where we raised money to send students with leadership potential to SICM, a week-long training that will be held at the end of the summer. This year we hosted, for the first time ever, a virtual version of the fundraiser, and with your help, we raised a little over $25,000! God is so good, and I’m extremely thankful for each of you who donated or prayed for our event. It goes to show that God is determined to move even in a year when we have been limited in many ways.
At the beginning of March, a number of our staff decided to volunteer at a vaccination drive-thru in downtown Dallas. During my three shifts, I got to direct traffic, work the registration line, and check-in people to receive their COVID vaccine. While volunteering, I couldn’t help but thank God that he would allow a possible cure to even be made and distributed so quickly. It was so sweet to watch the elderly receive their vaccination. After volunteering 15 hours, I was given the opportunity to receive the vaccine! I pray that the Lord would guide each of you in your decision in regards to the vaccine.
Emily and I worked the front of the vaccination drive-thru line!
Our apprentice classes are going so well! In our New Testament class, we have been reading through the apostle Paul’s letters, through which God has been teaching me what it looks like to fight for people the way that Paul did. I am reminded that I have the opportunity to be a believer because of the early Christian’s deep dedication towards the mission of spreading the gospel, and that had they chosen to keep it to themselves, none of us would have the chance to know Jesus either. Praise God!
We held a training class for the students where we talked about the importance of commitment. I got to teach a portion of the class, it was so fun!
In another of our classes, we were given the assignment to find a piece of art and to spend some time with God while reflecting on that artwork. During our class time, we went around and each talked about what artwork we had chosen and how we had connected with God through it. This concept of relating to God through artwork was something that I really really enjoyed, being someone that loves making and observing art. However, I enjoyed even more seeing how different people had chosen artworks that were so different from the others, ones that I would have not chosen myself. I was reminded that in being made in God’s image, we were also made to be creative just like God is. I would encourage you to try and practice engaging with God through artwork, even if it is something that you don’t think you would enjoy. I think you’ll be surprised!
Our core held a surprise birthday party for Katie. She loved it!
The academic year is almost over, which means that our UTD staff team has begun thinking through what our leadership team will look like next year. We rely on our students a ton to lead our cores, since they have easier access to students. This year due to COVID, the size of our community has shrunk a bit, so please be praying that God would give us wisdom and that he would guide us as we make decisions for this following year. We know that God will use students that are willing to give of their time and energy, but we also want to take chances on students that may not believe they are ready but that God might want to use in big ways. Please pray that God would equip us to train and encourage our students to be on mission for him on our UTD campus.
I’m so excited to announce that I will be staying on the UTD team next year as a first-year staff member! I am honored and humbled to know that God is not done with me at UTD just yet. Last fall, we held a Latin event where over 80 hispanic students joined us for a night of fellowship. That night, I got to meet three girls that would later join my core and get to know Jesus more personally. I believe that as a body of believers, it is so important to be diverse in order to reflect the beautiful spectrum that God has created in humanity. This coming school year, I am excited to continue to do more hispanic-centered outreach and to bring in more hispanic students into the ministry and make them feel welcomed, valued, and loved.
The UTD staff team. I am SO blessed to do ministry with them!
Staying on staff means that I will begin fundraising for next year! I will be reaching out to each of you to ask if you would like to stay on my support team. I am so thankful for each of you and have been so encouraged by your generosity! I ask that you would spend some with the Lord in prayer to see if He is guiding you towards supporting me financially for this coming year. There is much work to be done!
And now, I leave you with the student testimony of the month!
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