I sought the Lord, and he heard, and he answered!

Hello everyone! I hope that each of you have been doing well and that the fall is off to a good start. I am so excited to tell you about some of the things I have been up to this month, it has been an encouraging time.

Ro and I have continued to lead core together and it has been so fun! It seems like God keeps sending us more and more girls, so right now we have about 25 girls that will be coming this semester, praise! The past couple of weeks we had a time where we shared our stories with one another through an activity called “Draw your life”. Every student sectioned off a piece of paper into four quadrants and shared about 3 experiences that molded them into the person they are today, and in the fourth quadrant they would illustrate what they wanted God to do in their future. I challenged the girls to be curious about one another and to ask each other follow up questions to get to know one another, and it ended up being a really sweet time of vulnerable sharing. So much so, that we ended up taking the following week to have the girls share who didn’t get to share that first week!

I think this activity along with the core challenge where we pair them up and have them meet up with one another has kickstarted some friendship formation in our group. It makes me excited that this is only the beginning, and that God will continue to foster a place in our group where each girl will be known and felt seen by God through our love for one another. Please continue praying that God would continue to stir up in our hearts a deep love for His word, His Spirit, and His people.

We have also been starting our one on one bible studies with each of the girls, and so far I am leading 6 Focus on Jesus studies! FOJ is one of my favorite things I get to do because I get a front row seat into watching God transform the hearts of the people in front of me through his mighty word. One of my favorite Scriptures that is in our first lesson is from Hebrews 4:12-13. It says, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.”

Several of my girls have already shown such eagerness to spend time in God’s word that they have been reading, highlighting, and bringing questions from books of the Bible they have been reading for the first time. Please pray for me, that God would guide me, grant me his wisdom, and speak through me as I study with each of these girls!

Mi Gente Ministry has also been going well! We had a Noche De Alabanza (Spanish worship night) and it was awesome getting to worship God together in Spanish, the first language for many of us Hispanic students. I was encouraged to see several students get plugged into cores and invited to The Grove on Friday. Our community in general has grown in ethnic diversity! I realized this a few weeks ago when I looked around on Friday night and saw so many cultures and ethnicities represented.

This past weekend, we had The Getaway, our UTD FOCUS retreat we take every year in the fall! It was SO incredible! We took our largest group we’ve taken in a few years with over 150 students. We spent the weekend praising God through song, prayer, fellowship, and listening and chewing on the messages spoken. During the sessions, we spent time going through our three values: rooting deep in the Word, branching out to others, and bearing fruit of a transformed life. I had the opportunity to speak on branching out. God brought to mind so many stories and people that He has used over the years to transform my heart to look more like his, and I encouraged the students to make space in their hearts for one more, just how Jesus leaves the 99 to pursue the 1. Please keep praying that our community would look different from the rest of campus. That FOCUS would be a place where each and every student walking in would feel the love and warmth of God. That they would feel seen, heard, loved, challenged, inspired, and encouraged to follow the one and the only one who they can build their foundation on: Jesus.

I will leave you with this Scripture from Isaiah. I have been using it lately to encourage my students, especially those who are going through difficult situations. I hope that it ministers to you too, regardless of where you are at!

“He who vindicates me is near.
Who then will bring charges against me?
Let us face each other!
Who is my accuser?
Let him confront me!
It is the Sovereign Lord who helps me.
Who will condemn me?” (Isaiah 50:8-9)

Love you and thank you for all of your support to me!


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